Professional transports, such as on demand transports, public transports, or freight are the main polluters of urban environment.  The clean-up and decarbonisation of these services, essential to citizens, represent a major public health and ecological challenge.

A zero-emission taxi service, accessible to everybody

Hype, which directly operates the world largest hydrogen taxis fleet, offers to its customers a high-level and  silent, safe and responsible, zero-emission taxi service, without any additional cost compared to a polluting taxi.

Hype taxis fleet is exclusively made of non-polluting, 100% electric, hydrogen and/or battery vehicles.

Multi-channel booking

Through mobile App, web booker, by email or by phone, you can plan the rides of your teams and customers, and manage it in real time, efficiently.

Since its launch 8 years ago, Hype already transported more than 2 million passengers.

Hype belief : customers are the ones who, leading by example, will engage the switch that will allow the fast and massive scaling up of zero-emission mobilities.

The transformation is urgent, it is the responsibility of everyone, in particular customers, who must choose drivers involved in this transition, without any additional cost and loss of service quality.

By end of 2024, Hype targets that all customers start to concretely adopt a zero-emission taxi solution, by replacing at least partially their current solutions, based on the combustion of fossil fuels.

Hype, the first zero-emission mobilities integrated platform

Launched in Paris in 2015, during COP21, in order to respond to public health challenges in urban area, Hype develops and operates the first integrated zero-emission mobility platform integrating production and distribution of green hydrogen, using taxi as first relevant market.

  • Hype deploys its own production and distribution network of green hydrogen, open to everybody
  • While directly exploiting a first relevant market, the urban taxi, in which Hype is already one of the major players and offers a non-polluting service without any additional cost.
  • Allowing to speed-up the scaling of other mobilities to zero-emission

Human at the heart of Hype

Hype is a engaged civic company, made up with junior and senior, women and men, from multiple backgrounds.

Drivers are selected and trained professionals, deeply involved in Hype project.

Since its creation, Hype has developed a balanced and responsible employment offer (permanent contract, insurance for all family members, profit-sharing based on project success, etc).

Hype now allows self-employed drivers to join its platform, by proposing zero-emission mobilities packages, without any additional cost compared to a thermic vehicle.

The aim of Hype is to provide to all drivers the tools to immediately switch to a non-polluting solution, and drive the change to a massive and fast transition of the sector to zero-emission.

Hype, a french independent entrepreneurial project, supported by leading public and private actors

Since 8 years, Hype continuously innovated and built financial, technological and industrial partnerships across its entire value chain and invests 100% of its capacities and resources to immediately fight pollution and global warming.

By capitalizing on its execution speed, agility and “scalable” and integrated model that ease the short-term and massive (drivers and customers) use of zero-emission mobility solutions allowed by hydrogen, Hype plans to deploy its platform in 15 new areas, in France and all other the world, by the end of 2026.

Our choices are importants,
together we can move forward the fast transition
to zero-emission mobilities